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If you have trouble downloading from Mega (due to file size limits) go to Go File and choose "Open" rather than "download". You will then be able to download the 4K version and/or the 1080 version individually.

(If you try to download the whole thing at once via Go File you will run into a paywall but if you download the 4K and 1080 versions individually by opening the folder first, you won't have that issue.)

Deleted 2 years ago has a limit for the file size that the game exceeds. You don't have to pay for Gofile, just ignore those notices, there are only ads for free users (that you won't see with an adblock). With Mega you can wait or use VPN, there's also a Pixeldrain link.


OK I figured it out. If you try to download the whole thing at once, Go File won't let you unless you support them on Patreon. If you you choose "Open" rather than "download" however, it will allow you to download the 4K version or the 1080 version individually.

Glad to hear that :)

Deleted 1 year ago

hey koala i was thinking how to not pay for the 3 times the first 10 games and buy only the last 6 that i need but u know....your work is so fucking awesome so i dont care if i buy them for the 3 times...i hope this can help support a bit your masterworks....

Hey, thank you, we really appreciate it! ♥

Deleted post

Amazing work! I really like ur development over the games u did. More animations, more renders, more details. You are becoming better and better! Can i ask u which programs u use? 

Thank you! Virt-a-Mate is used for visuals :)

I purchased this but I cannot download it. Both of the mirrors are requiring a memberships to download a file this size.

(1 edit)

Gofile doesn't require one, just ignore that and click on the file. With Mega you do need to wait or use VPN to avoid the wait time after it starts. But I have also added a new Pixeldrain mirror.

si a mi tambien me pasa que me piden suscripcion no me podria pasar algun otro modo alternativo para poderlo descargar porfavor 

I can guarantee you don't need to subscribe to download on either Dropbox or Gofile.

si eh tolerado el tiempo de espera pero aun asi por mega no se descarga y por gofile me aparece caído la descarga

The download links that are posted are working just fine. You could try using a VPN, maybe there's some issue with the connection. Alternatively, I've emailed you another alternative download link, see if that works for you.

Deleted 2 years ago

Sure, no worries, I've emailed it to you. However, you don't need a subscription on either Mega or Gofile. With Gofile you can just ignore any mentions of a subscription and click on the file to download it (or use adblock and you won't even see most). Mega does have a limit if you're trying to download the 4K version, but you can either wait or use a VPN to avoid it.

Thank you! :)

puede ayudarme no lo eh podido descargar :

What exactly is the issue with downloading? You should use the Gofile link if you encounter a limit on Mega and can't wait/switch VPN.

am i a male protagonist in it?

No, but you can name a few of the male characters that make an appearance and some of the renders are from male POV.

I paid $10.00 for this a while ago and just realized there was a special edition for $5.00 more. Is there a way for me to pay $5.00 more so I can get the special edition or no?

I've emailed you :)

(1 edit)

Man I really love your content so much, I didn't think I'd like your short form games so much. I do think that the whole writing thing isn't that big of an issue, but it does feel like you're introducing cute new girls left and right out of nowhere and for me in this game specifically it just muddys everything and it feels confusing to say the least. I do think that if you wanted to make a longer game like this, it would be best to take things slowly and decide where to go from there.

Otherwise, keep up the awesome work and would like to see more of the short form games that you have been dishing out. I'm sorry I couldn't be a more dedicated fan because I'm on a budget and am really money-conscious.


Thank you for the kind words! And any support helps, really.

We'll try to improve in our next main project ;) And there still will be short games coming out in parallel, the next one will be out next month!

I must say that I'm a big fan of your work, not only this "game" but all the others, so I hope what I'm about to say you take as a constructive opinion... But please get a good writer, with your art and a good script you could make a masterpiece, in all your games it's the only thing you lack, develop stories and scenes well, that's much more sensual than going straight to the point as a porn movie and I bet that you would earn more money that way, I myself would invest in your work if the stories were more interesting


Thank you for your feedback, we'll do our best in our next main project!

Hi there. Published author and fellow dev. Your visuals are absolutely stunning, and I've been writing for over 20 years. Would love to explore the possibility of helping with a project or collabing at some point! My Discord is VictorSeven#1048. 

So uhh... I paid $12 without reading further that I need to pay $15 for the special edition. Can I just give you like $3 more somehow and get the download? lo

I've emailed you.

I haven't received an email. sorry for the confusion

It's the email attached to this account/used during the purchase. If you still don't see anything (check spam, maybe), join our Discord and dm Lightman, we'll sort you out.

So dumb question but might as well ask here, but how does the bundle work with regards to the special edition? If you have to spend $15 or more here, how does it work when you get the game in a bundle?

(1 edit)

You get the Special Edition, answered just below as well :) I'll add it to the Bundle description.

Out of curiosity, does the bundle include the special edition, or just the regular game?

It includes the Special Edition.

Tried twice now to download 0.5 no probs before up to now but stupid mega says i'm over limit (?) and now saying my firefox is out of date. As i say no probs before. Fed up.


Well, just use the Gofile mirror then.

Hey, I bought this game but I can't download the special edition. Mega requires a premium account because of the file size, and the file no longer exists on

Can you please reupload? Thank you


Sure thing, check the downloads again, I've added a gofile link that shouldn't expire.

If you're over your limit on Mega, you can use VPN to avoid wait time.


few hours ago i was thinking...its so fucking awesome if they would bring up a new upgrade...and a few hours later....0.5 upgrade is here......i just fucking love u all the way...this is by far one of the best game here on itch....simply awesome and amazing....TOTALLY WORTH TO BUY IT GUYS......

Hah, thank you so much!

played it and....shiiiiiit it was really an awesome update really sab that the netx one will be the last one but very happy to read that u are programming more sequel to this awesome game....cant describe how happy iam to play this game....

Don't worry, the sequel is going to be even better!

is this really possibile...???😍😍😍 and again...really thanks for this masterpiece work...

Why can't i get the special edition anymore? i bought the 0.3 update when i go on to the download page the special edition doesn't appear for download just the original

I don't see any purchases under this account of yours. Did you pay $15 for CLH or did you buy the bundle previously? Can you send an email/username under which the purchase was made or other proof of purchase to Lightman#9061 on Discord? They can verify and send you files.


i cant find the right words for describe this game....amazing and awesome are obliviously not enought.....only respect and honor for such a Masterpiece of the best game ever for sure....thanks koala...

Thank you for the kind words :)

I've reverted the SE price to $15, hopefully, that fixes any issues with the access to it.

hi koala....last month i buyed your full game bundle and i got the version 0.3 special for the new one the 0.4 i have to pay again???


Hey, sorry for the inconvenience, I've emailed you the files.

Could you clarify if it tells you to pay the full price for the SE or maybe $1 more?


sorry koala im a bit tard so i dont see before to download ive see it and im downoading the 0.4 version...really thanks for all your work and patience...keep the amazing and awesome work up <3


(1 edit)

Why can't i download the special edition anymore? I buyed it at the update 0.3 and payed 15$. but now when i go to the download page, i don't see the special edition for download just the normal one (i see it now costs 16$ instead of 15, can it be because of that, and how do i get it back?).

Hey, sorry you're having issues, I have emailed you a link with the files.

This wasn't supposed to happen, I guess it could be caused by the slight price bump. You can access the regular version downloads, right? Do you see an option to get SE files? Does it ask you for the full price or maybe just $1 more?

Hopefully, we'll get it resolved.

(3 edits) (+1)

This is the download page, it just shows the normal files, doesn't give you any option for the SE or for paying another money.

Thank you! I've reverted the price for SE to $15, could you check if you have access now?

(1 edit) (+1)

Yes, as i thought, the price was the problem. Now i can download all the files.

There must be some way though that a new price won't affect older sales (other ways if someone change a price of their game it can end for people not being able to download it at all).

Thank you for confirming.

(1 edit)

When will special edition of the last update come? If i buy the special edition, download it, and then download the last update and overwrite with it the special edition, will i still have say the gallery in it, or it can't be done this way and i need to play from a clean update files, i which case, when i play from the 0.3.4 update, there will not be the gallery, even if i had it in my previous save? I mean, i didn't play this game, i will download special edition 0.3.0, play from it to the end, then download the last update and when i start it, the gallery wont be there (i suppose, without ovewriting files it can't be there, because there must be some files, that makes it possible)?

0.3 Special Edition is available in downloads, both versions are released at the same time here.

Not sure I fully got what you meant later with overwriting and stuff... If you overwrite the SE version with the basic one, you won't have access to the Bonus gallery in the game. 

But generally, it's not a good idea to overwrite existing files unless it's specified or you have specifically update-only files. All the downloads are full game currently and should be extracted to their own folders.

What i meant is, the 0.3.0 special edition is still 0.3.0, so the 0.3.4 normal edition has more content storywise (at least that i undestand by the numbers). Tha's why i asked about overwriting. If i play the special edition to the end of content, there will be more scenes in the 0.3.4 normal, so i would have to play through it and not have the gallery etc. and when special edition 0.3.4 comes, play through it again to get the extra scenes, or not play the new update normal and just wait until the special editiom comes to have the extra content?


There's no 0.3.4 version, I think you may be confusing the 0.3 4K animations version for 0.3.4. All versions are 0.3, but Special Edition has more content.


Lol, i am stupid. Thanks for the clarification :D


No problem :)

What is the difference between normal and special edition?

Special Edition of the game has additional scenes and a Bonus Image gallery.


Ok thanks

if i pay 10 or 15 for the special edition.....its only for this update or is for every future update??


It's for every future update :)

i see your bundle...very interessing...its there a possibility to pay something more and get the special edition instead of the normal one in the bundle?


1 person said they were able to access Special Edition after buying the bundle. So, you can go ahead and get it. If it's still not available, you should be able to pay $5 more to get it.


ok perfect great thanks for all


simply awesome and amazing upgrades.....

(1 edit)

do u have discord?

Yep, it's linked above, here's the invite. It was created just recently, so not much there yet :)